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تواصل معنا لحجز المواعيد ولمزيد من المعلومات عن خدماتنا.

A woman is preparing a treatment table in what appears to be a spa or medical setting. She is adjusting a sheet or roll of paper on the table. Shelves behind her are stocked with various bottles, likely skincare or medical products. A large adjustable lamp is attached to the workspace.
A woman is preparing a treatment table in what appears to be a spa or medical setting. She is adjusting a sheet or roll of paper on the table. Shelves behind her are stocked with various bottles, likely skincare or medical products. A large adjustable lamp is attached to the workspace.


فرع الحيل: بالقرب من استاد السيب.

ساعات العمل
السبت - الخميس
8 صباحًا - 11 مساءً


10 صباحًا - 6 مساءً

فرع الحيل: 91292844 / 24544880

فرع الخوض: خلف العريمي بوليفارد.

ساعات العمل
السبت - الخميس
8 صباحًا - 11 مساءً


10 صباحًا - 6 مساءً

فرع الخوض: 71961206 / 24270526